datestampMonday, February 11, 2008


My babys first tooth is out! And he got his hair, shaved off is more accurate. Gramma said all he needs is a black eye...what a picture that would be. But I'm not wishing a black eye upon him. So he calls his Grands to tell them about the tooth and Gramma says something like "Oh Bubby, you lost your tooth?" And he says "It's not lost, Mommy has it!"
Am I bad mom for not doing the whole tooth fairy thing? He doesn't really know about it or seem to care when the Tooth Fairy is mentioned. I get a little torn on things like this. As a child I lumped Jesus in with Santa and the rest of the fairy tale gang.
Spanky's awesome teacher called last night to check up on him. She's been out observing at another school and she misses him. Also I need to bring cheese to school on Thursday. She is from Mexico and she told me that there they make jewelry from the kids teeth, which at first honestly didn't sound like something I'd want to wear. BUT I do have a charm bracelet with all charms to do with little man and that would be a cool addition. I was going to scrapbook it, but I think I will have it made into a charm instead.

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