datestampMonday, July 13, 2009

I love checklists. Seriously, like Goob from Meet the Robinson's. Every morning I revise THE CHECKLIST; the one that gets added to, scribbled on, and even has been used for a coaster. Every week I start a fresh one and any old paper will do, but I am a tid-bit obsessed with graph paper as of late. The only thing better than the actual checklist, is completing a task and checking it off.
One more 'before Axel gets here' project is complete-my glider and ottoman are covered! I now have a place to sit and nurse in comfort, a place to rock my baby that is all fresh and washable. The old cover was gross and not removable, so there wasn't a whole lot I could do about it. Now, thanks to my awesome KAM snap setter, I can just unsnap the covers and toss them in the wash. For the ottoman, I basically made a fitted shower cap, it just slips on and is held in place with elastic. Even gave my tush and arms some extra comfortable padding. One of my favorite things about this chair now is that it is girly. There's not a whole lot of girly in my house and I'm not a super girly-girl, but having a little feminine touch is kinda nice, now that I see it.

Here's the glider as modeled by Gunther, who apparently approves (he's not afraid of his feminine side, he sports a pink collar with rhinestones) :

The thing about crafting/sewing/scrapping...heck any project, for me, is that while I'm working on it, my brain comes up with complimentary projects. It's like trying to finish the laundry...that's my definition of insanity. So it was obvious early on in the re-covering process that this is a whole lot of the same print and so now I MUST make a couple of little red pillows to give her some contrast. A coat of paint would be nice, but that'll have to go on Digger's checklist, no fumes for me and the babe.

Also on the checklist for this week:

*one dozen size small cloth diapers

*at least two more projects off Axel's list

*boppy cover (with snaps for easy washing, of course!)

*more listings for etsy and ebay

*set the crafting aside and play with my boy...

What's on your list?


Lisa said...

Oh, yeah! I am a crazy list maker also!!

Shauna- said...
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Shauna- said...

Clean, Unpack, Replace and Repair the camping gear, finish crocheting blanket, start diet...., go to the Temple, read a book, VT, cub scouts.... and maybe clean some more!

Love you!

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