datestampMonday, September 28, 2009

Womens Conference Report

Saturday afternoon I let Spanky loose on the wii, had a 10 minute nap and took a bath. I shaved my legs. Yes, that's right...eight and a half months pregnant and I shaved my legs. It's not easy people. I got dressed and walked over to the church for the annual Relief Society General Broadcast. Found myself a seat on the aisle, just in case.

Just in case I had to go to the bathroom, but for some reason, I also keep having day dreams of my water breaking at inopportune moments. So on the aisle, I could make a break for it. But I couldn't just leave a soggy seat behind, gross. Then my friend and her mom come in and sit two pews ahead of me. Perfect. Now I have a plan. If my water breaks, I quietly ask the girl in front of me to get Shauna's attention. Then I give Shauna my best holy-crap-my-water-just-broke-look. She rescues me, informs the powers that be of the mess, rushes me to my husband and whisks away my boy so I can labor and birth his brother.

Yup, I planned that all out in the 30 seconds left before the conference actually started. And, if ye are prepared, ye shall not fear...and your water wont break. (For the record, I do feel a little crazy at this point.) But I am able to settle down, relax and enjoy the messages. Which were great.

I took some notes. Here's what stuck out for me:

*Attendance to Relief Society on Sunday will bless you. Participation in Relief Society blesses the whole church.

*NOTHING can separate us from the love of God. The Holy Ghost testifies of that love, so we must strive to be worthy of his companionship.

*Don't let doubt or uncertainty cloud your mind.

*There can be no salvation without compassionate service.

*The legacy of the Relief Society is passed from heart to heart.
I have a testimony of the truthfulness of this last one. As an investigator of the church, on my very first Sunday, I attended Relief Society Meeting. I knew none of the women in the meeting. A passionate and articulate girl about my age (we were girls still, I was just 21 and she was 20) was sharing a lesson on journal keeping. As she shared her testimony and her love of keeping a record of her life, I found myself in tears. I tried really hard to hold them back and I remember thinking..."I don't even know these people and I'm totally crying!"

Little did I know that she and I would become not only sisters in the gospel, but family...sisters-in-law! I think her brother was already plotting this, by the way. Anyways, that day, my SIL Jamie passed the legacy of Relief Society from her heart to mine. Thank you Jamie!

To hear the messages for yourself, click here.


Shauna- said...

I really enjoyed the General Relief Society broadcast too.

Faith, Truth and Righteousness!

By the way, thanks for the trust.

Susan said...

SO glad that you had a backup plan. I wish that I could be there for that too.

I also enjoyed the RS meeting, and especially the talk from Elder Eyring about our legacy. So good! Love you!

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