datestampWednesday, May 27, 2009


i have too many projects to be in this funk, but i am having a hard time shaking it. i got zero done yesterday and today i woke up in the worst mood after having dreams of getting into a yelling match with my father-in-law. we're not fighting that i know of, but my prego dreams are totally random and bizarre. i slept in and didn't get my yoga done this morning. maybe the kids will do it with me when breakfast is over.

projects to be worked on if not finished this week:
*baby dolls for craft hope
*dress/bloomers/kercheif for my niece
*organization of my craft area

what do you do to find the 'umpf' to get going when you just want to sit around?


Burgess said...

If you find out, let me know. I'm doing the same thing this week.

Marily said...

Yah. I've been there for the last month it seems. Music is the thing that gets me up and moving the most. But still, I have not been getting much done at all lately.

Anonymous said...

You are creating life within you! It's okay to take it easy for a day or two.

Susan said...

I read a book the last 2 days because I have felt that way too, but then last night I made chocolate chip muffins and that helped too! I have to get my doll done too, I haven't even started. ugh! I have some pics I want to scrap too. Too many things and not enough time to enjoy them all.

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