datestampSaturday, June 6, 2009


My baby is officially a Kindergarten Grad. His class celebrated with a pool party and potluck. I did not cry, can you believe it? Mostly, because I am so darn excited to have him home for the summer! Or maybe the fact he's officially a grade-schooler in August just doesn't seem real. He's a great kid and he's grown and really blossomed in the last year. He's reading, loves math and has the most beautiful imagination. The other night he drew a story board for a movie he wants to make called "The Red." I'd tell you what it's about, but trade secrets you know...

Spanky and his best buddy Natty on Crazy Hair-Pajama Day. Shauna and I tag teamed the matching outfits and I cut the pants a wee bit big, so they'll be twins for at least the next year!
I finally finished my little niece's birthday gift! She'll be one on the 10th, but she's a very petite girl, so this is probably going to be huge. All three pieces are from Simple Sewing for Babies and Toddlers. There's the dress, with 'pocket buddy'--a little kitty attached with a ribbon, so he'll never get lost. Then there's the kerchief, which can be used as a bib or head covering. Finally the 'bloomers', but to me it's a diaper cover, bloomers should have more of a leg. Can't wait to see pictures of her in them!
Last week's YW lesson was about being a positive influence and used the analogy of being a light unto the world. I made the girls a hand out and check out the supplies:
*upcycled baby food jars: free
*one spool ribbon: 99 cents
*one sheet scrap paper: 50 cents
*tea lights: $2
*misc.: glue dots, copy paper
total of ten handouts
Pretty good for $3.49 and 30 minutes work, huh?

I figured out a little secret for busting out of that slump I was supplies. Man I love this fabric. This is Axel's six yards of fabric, washed, pressed and waiting for me to transform it into fun baby things. But first I made a list of all 14 projects from the 3 books pictured that I really wanted to make. I sorted them into priorities and placed the projects that can be made with scraps last. This prep work helped me to complete the first 4 projects and get half way done with two others, this week! That's on top of having extra daycare kids, mind you---and no, I didn't turn the TV on so I could sew, I mostly worked at nap time. I'll be sharing all of the projects when they are done in one post.

Other things I did this week:
*Wished I had a cute pink and white waitress outfit with a name tag reading Flo. I was in the kitchen a lot this week. Wished I had Mel to do the cooking.
*Drove my MIL crazy with cloth diaper conversations.
*Dropped a lot of stuff, like a whole can of peach juice across a newly mopped floor and a full glass of Cream Soda across a newly cleaned counter. At least I'm not falling down. Yet. Knock on wood.
*Started waking up at 2:30am in addition to the 4:30am potty breaks I've been having for weeks, yay! Who need's sleep?
*Saw Up last Saturday. Cried like a baby at the beginning and end, fell asleep for 10 minutes in the middle. No more 2pm showings for me, I was just too tired. It was a really good movie though.
*Saw Land of the Lost last night. Yes, it was dumb (but funny) and really not appropriate for my 6yo (language mostly.) BUTT, I totally love Will Ferrell, LOVE him. Can't help it. I see his face and start laughing (I'm sure he'd appreciate that.) Also, I wanted to see a movie that wouldn't make me cry. So far this summer I have blubbered in almost every movie we've seen. So if you don't think Will is the most hilarious person on the planet, watch the preview online and there, you've seen the most funny parts of the movie and saved yourself some cash.
*Last but not least: I finished Sacajawea! Woohoo! Great book, I just slowed way down at the last few chapters.

I'm off to Pregnancy Stretch class...enjoy your weekend!

1 comment:

Susan said...

WOW! You amaze me, I don't think that I am nearly as productive as you. LOL! I guess pregnancy does help with that though. I almost always get more accomplished when I am prego. Love the little outfit for your niece, so cute! I love that you organized stuff, it helps me too. I can't wait to see all of the cute stuff that you make baby Axel.

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