Our ever evolving way of doing things around the house has a few new 'helps.'
We've not been as diligent with the family blessing hour as I would have hoped, but just a few days ago we did it and it was great! Then we went out to see a movie and coming home to a clean house was fabulous!!! So I have renewed hope in this tool!
Next, I have a huge problem in the kitchen: I don't enjoy cooking. Sometimes Digger truly does believe that he married someone exactly like his mom. I'm just not a quilter and don't like diet pop. My MIL wishes the kitchen would fall off the side of the house and I've got to tell you, most days I'm with her. However, with my husband just having been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, we've got to be more serious about eating at home and eating healthy.
I loved this post and idea and implemented it last week. Of course, Jessica makes it so easy on you....you can just print them onto magnet paper, but......I have to do a green/frugal Misha spin on things (read: I had no magnet paper and didn't want to go out and spend money on it.) I used scrap scrapbook paper and magnets from the front of new phone books, pizza ads, etc. (I get a bit teased for saving them on the side of my fridge, but they come in handy a lot!) As for the meals, my husband has had success in the past following the Abs Diet, so that is where most of them come from. (Yes, this diet comes across gimmicky, but it is essentially the Superfoods Rx book geared toward men. It's healthy and I approve, so we're using it.)
Finally, my boy is having trouble staying on task. I have no idea where he gets this from, by the way. Ahem, anyways, we have a new chart that I am hoping will help all of us. My friend Shauna suggested letting Spanky choose 3 chores from a list, so I did columns. I'll explain to him that he'll have to mix it up and not avoid certain chores, or we'll have to change the way we do it.
What do you think? What works for your family chores and meals?
We've not been as diligent with the family blessing hour as I would have hoped, but just a few days ago we did it and it was great! Then we went out to see a movie and coming home to a clean house was fabulous!!! So I have renewed hope in this tool!
Next, I have a huge problem in the kitchen: I don't enjoy cooking. Sometimes Digger truly does believe that he married someone exactly like his mom. I'm just not a quilter and don't like diet pop. My MIL wishes the kitchen would fall off the side of the house and I've got to tell you, most days I'm with her. However, with my husband just having been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, we've got to be more serious about eating at home and eating healthy.
I loved this post and idea and implemented it last week. Of course, Jessica makes it so easy on you....you can just print them onto magnet paper, but......I have to do a green/frugal Misha spin on things (read: I had no magnet paper and didn't want to go out and spend money on it.) I used scrap scrapbook paper and magnets from the front of new phone books, pizza ads, etc. (I get a bit teased for saving them on the side of my fridge, but they come in handy a lot!) As for the meals, my husband has had success in the past following the Abs Diet, so that is where most of them come from. (Yes, this diet comes across gimmicky, but it is essentially the Superfoods Rx book geared toward men. It's healthy and I approve, so we're using it.)
Finally, my boy is having trouble staying on task. I have no idea where he gets this from, by the way. Ahem, anyways, we have a new chart that I am hoping will help all of us. My friend Shauna suggested letting Spanky choose 3 chores from a list, so I did columns. I'll explain to him that he'll have to mix it up and not avoid certain chores, or we'll have to change the way we do it.
What do you think? What works for your family chores and meals?
love the lists. I have been thinking about doing something like this for Grant. It will be easier now to show him that W is going it too. LOL! Love you. Love the magnets, I save them too and they do come in really handy.
I am going to start saving those magnets now. I never thought about re-covering them--you are so clever! I am so going to do it. And, I need to get my boys into some routines. Thanks for the tips and the motivation!
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